domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

For the better

Expressions / Phrases
  • Hot glue gun. Pistola de silicona.
  • A change for the better. Un cambio para bien.
  • The ripple effect. El efecto dominó.
  • A squandered opportunity. Una oportunidad desaprovechada.
  • The present is your ultimate asset -make the most of it. El presente es máximo activo -aprovéchenlo/aprovéchalo.
  • Peace of mind. Tranquilidad.
  • Come on over! Let's do something. ¡Ven! Hagamos algo.
  • But, what good is it if you don't give them what they need. Pero de que sirve si no les dás lo que necesitan.
  • A pile of rubble. Un montón de escombros.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

"But, what good is that if you don't give them what they need." I have never heard this expression with the word "that." People usually say "But, what good is IT..." because when you use "that" it sounds like you are referring to an object, but it makes sense and you would be understood :)

Pablo dijo...

Thank you! :)