jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

A tank top

Expressions / Phrases
  • Comforter. Edredón. A type of blanket made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together. Un tipo de cobija hecha de dos capas de tela, cosidas, rellenas de plumas, algodón, etc.
  • He was brutally beaten. Le dieron una paliza brutal.
  • He died from his wounds. Murió a consecuencia de sus heridas.
  • The world around us. El mundo que nos rodea.
  • He is afraid of nothing. No le teme a nada.
  • Look, the mouse is gnawing the book! ¡Mira, el ratón está royendo el libro!
  • Bolt is the leading dog in a television program. Bolt es el protagonista de un programa de televisión.
  • A tank top. A T-shirt without sleeves. A sleeveless sweater (BrE). Una camiseta sin mangas.

2 comentarios:

qfreed dijo...

Suprimir comentario de: Improving my English

Blogger qfreed dijo...

* Bolt is the leading dog in a television program. Bolt es el protagonista de un programa de televisión.

We also use the term "top dog" to refer to someone at the top of a hierarchial system. The president of the U.S. is the "top dog" in the government.

Pablo dijo...

Muy bien, muchas gracias :)